Thursday 18 March 2010

How to make double chocolate and chocolate chip cookies?

Step 1: You will need….
Units: Metric US Imperial UK Imperial
180 g chopped dark chocolate
180 g chocolate chips
300 g all purpose flour
1 ½ tsp of baking powder
½ tsp of salt
150 g brown sugar
1 whole egg & 1 egg yolk
160 g soft butter
80 ml of milk
1 bowl
1 saucepan
1 spatula
1 spoon
1 baking tray lined with parchment paper
Preparation Time:
5 minutes
Cooking Time:
35 minutes
Oven Temperature:
180° c - 360° f
Step 2: Preheat the oven
Set the oven to 180ºC (360ºF/ gas mark 4).
Step 3: Melt the chocolate
Place the saucepan, half-filled with water on a medium heat and bring it to a simmer. When simmering, place the bowl over the saucepan and add the chopped chocolate. Then, using a spatula, stir gently to help it melt. It will turn into a thick, glossy paste quite quickly.
Tip! You can also melt chocolate in the microwave. Put it on medium heat and heat it at ten second intervals.
Step 4: Add the ingredients to the chocolate
Once the chocolate has completely melted, remove it from the heat. Add the flour, baking powder, salt, brown sugar, eggs, soft butter and milk. Next, when the chocolate dough is well mixed, add the chocolate chips and stir it again mixing all together to create a glorious goo!

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